Brittany Roman-Green Nutrition has rebranded to Romanwell. Learn more here!

Jessica A.

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I am no longer bloated, I feel more self confident, and I have a better idea of what bothers my stomach and what does not. I have also noticed a big change in my skin. I no longer have visible acne.

I would recommend Brittany for anyone struggling with nutrition. I have never met someone so kind, caring, and genuine. Her knowledge is impressive and her ability to relay helpful information is inspiring.

My internal health was a mess before meeting Brittany. I was constantly bloated, uncomfortable, and inflamed. I was completely stuck and I knew I needed help figuring out my nutrition and intolerances. I hated eating because I knew exactly what would happen once I put food into my body. I felt extremely uncomfortable most of the time. I had stomach pains every single day and was very unhappy with where I was at. I did not have much self confidence and I knew something needed to change. I felt like my stomach always needed to be covered and would do anything in my control to make myself look less bloated. I would wear baggy clothes, and go to extremes that I felt were necessary.

Since working with Brittany, I have noticed incredible changes in my health and well-being. I am no longer bloated, I feel more self confident, and I have a better idea of what bothers my stomach and what does not. I have also noticed a big change in my skin. I no longer have visible acne.

I really enjoyed working with Brittany. I gained a ton of knowledge about my own body and nutrition while working with her. I felt as if Brittany was a close friend, not just a dietitian. She helped me more than I ever thought possible. She is one of the most trustworthy people I know, and I would not have wanted to put my health in anyone else’s hands.

More IBD Resources:

The ultimate flare fighter recipe book

The Flare Fighter Recipe Book

We've put together this 40+ page recipe book to give you some ideas for what to eat when you have IBD. These recipes are designed to be quick, simple, and delicious. We hope you enjoy them! Download the recipe book at the link below.

IBD starter kit cover page

The IBD Starter Kit

An essential self-advocacy guide for people with IBD and their caregivers. We designed this Starter Kit with you in mind, to save you time and give you the tools you need to be your own best healthcare advocate. Download the Starter Kit at the link below.

Ready to start feeling better?

We help people with Crohn's and colitis achieve symptom remission, improve their energy levels, and restore their relationship with food. Sign up for a complementary call to learn how and take your first steps towards your own success story