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Patient Testimonials

Jullian L
's Testimonial

After a 4 year flare, Jullian finally got into remission by learning which foods to eat and avoid with UC

After a 4 year flare, Jullian finally got into remission by learning which foods to eat and avoid with UC
I am now in remission after 4 years and I feel amazing. I now leave my home with confidence, not worried about where the next restroom will be. I even workout 6 times a week.

Before I began working with Brittany, I felt really sick every day. I always had bad cramps. I had to go to the restroom a lot and I felt a bit depressed all the time. I felt like I would never get better. I was a negative person and was always moody.

Every UC specialist I had seen would tell me that I could eat anything and that my diet didn't matter. Therefore, I wouldn't eat healthy. I would eat out a lot and pick up food at fast food restaurants every day. My biggest hesitation was that I felt like I had already tried too many different things and nothing worked. Also, having UC comes with many expenses and I was hesitant to add another expense. Ultimately, my fiancé convinced me to keep trying and give this program a shot. It was something different, because it was more focused on changing my lifestyle habits.

If I hadn't worked with Brittany, I'm certain that my life would still be the same as before. I would always have stomach pain; I'd always be running to the restroom which would make me not even want to leave the house. I would certainly still be eating a lot of foods that I shouldn't be eating. I would not be in remission.

Since I started working with Brittany, I have made countless lifestyle changes. I stopped eating red meat, I substituted sugary snacks with healthy snacks and I made it a habit to drink way more water. Most importantly, I've managed to lower my daily dose of Prednisone from 40 mg to 10 mg without flaring up. I stopped bleeding in my stools. My mood and energy have improved tremendously. I am now in remission after 4 years and I feel amazing. I now leave my home with confidence, not worried about where the next restroom will be. I even workout 6 times a week.

I was impressed that I was able to learn exactly which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. It is amazing how eating the right things can change your life so much. The videos in the vault helped me understand and learn more about UC as well.

What I appreciate most about Brittany is that she is very knowledgeable and always had an answer for all my questions. Brittany always called me right on time for our appointments and would answer my doubts in the Healthie app right away. This made me feel like I had support anytime and anywhere. She is different from others because she has Ulcerative Colitis as well, so she knows what I am feeling and what I've gone through.

If anyone was questioning whether they should work with Brittany, would encourage them to try her program and they won't regret it, but you must dedicate to the program and give it your all. You must be ready to commit and make serious lifestyle changes. You will get out of it what you put in. I took this program very seriously and made some lifestyle changes that I had never done before and it was worth it.

I would like to add that in this program you will see results, but you have to be patient. I remember still feeling sick after about 2 weeks and thinking this isn't going to work. You have to finish the 3 month program and you will see the results! I am so happy I did this program. I truly feel like I can enjoy my life to the fullest now.

Jullian L
's Provider
Brittany Rogers, MS RD CDN
Stacey Collins, MS RD CDN
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Next Steps

We're a team of Registered Dietitians that focus on helping people with IBD

Achieve symptom remission
Improve their energy levels
Restore their relationship with food

Interested in working with us? Sign up for a complementary call today and take your first steps towards your own success story